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It would be nice to think, wouldn’t it, that an art-life carries on regardless?

But it doesn’t. The art-brain continues , but very much on the back-burner, essentials only, when other things get in the way.

The building work started this morning, and in these early days, it is useful to be on hand to answer questions. So that means not being in the studio. I brought a few things home, and it was my intention to do more reading instead of making, but it is quite noisy for that!

I am still trying to think of titles and prices for the work that will be in the RBSA exhibition. I will be hanging that on 24th, so I need to be well sorted so that it goes easily on the day. I will have some help for that, which I am really grateful for, but I will need a clear head.

So there’s no room for new work. Not yet. I trust that there will be something blooming once the exhibition is sorted, and the building finished. They will probably both be done at the same time, and I can get back to it.

The sorting of the garage; the consequent sorting of the shed; taking stuff and dumping it in the studio or spare bedroom; putting in the skip; and out for the scrap man or neighbours has me inspired to do the same in my studio once the decks at home are clear. 

I’ve been watching my friend Kate Murdoch sort out her work, her stored objects, and her space(s), and that has inspired me! I don’t have to move out of the studio or anything like that, but the thought of being a leaner, cleaner, more mobile artist is attractive. Having cleared the house we lived in for forty years, and now four years later clearing out the garage that still contained the last of the “stuff” feels… healthy… yes that is the right word. With every bag or box of clutter and rubbish that goes to the tip, or just any of the “stuff” that leaves our house for someone else to use, I feel lighter! It is the sort of job that’s never really finished though is it? More of a rolling programme, but at least now, once this bit is done, we know that everything in the house is needed or wanted or loved.

That process, eventually, will have an effect on the work that I make, Kate and I have been talking about this. It might seem like we are not working, but we are. Our brains mull over these belongings, and we curate our spaces accordingly. When we are happy with the “hang” we will move on. The objects, materials we have retained are fresh in our uncluttered minds, and are seen with fresh eyes. From that clean ground, new work springs, I am certain.