Clothed life drawing day

Today i visited the mill arts centre in banbury for a whole day of clothed life drawing and painting of a model in a gypsy/ salsa theme.

I always start with confidence and my sketches consisted of capturing the movement of the dance. In this exploration of observation, the paper represented time the lines represented a segment of the motion through time.

My sketches then began to feel and look more structured but yet the movement was still there, greatly.

I loved the enviroment, the white high ceiling of the studio, artisans beside me, it was just the right enviroment to really concerntrate on the sketch.

We ended up painting the model in a long pose, most of the learners painted 1 peice …. i painted 2.. :)

here they are , the geometric cubism painting is one of my favourites.


Art is the medium of human thought, it captures thought and brings it into the reflective realm of art and observation.