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Drawing as a way of knowing, but also as a way of forgetting, even erasing. Memories – and remembering – are unstable
Knowledge is unstable, on shifting ground.

Returning to yesterday. Paul (Dance4) watching the drawing process wondered to what extent memory played a role in drawing and in coming away and moving back into drawing. Some things he noticed through the drawing traces were returning. A ‘feathering’ motif particularly and I knew exactly what he was referring to. He is right, this ‘thing’ does keep coming back. I like that he noticed. I like doing this ‘feathering’, which is a light, very detailed improvisational dance of the fingers with the graphite. I like, I enjoy, I am convinced in these moments of re-finding or implementing this ‘feathering thing’. BECAUSE. The fingers are moving independently on a small area of paper and although I cannot see, I know, I see-know through all the joints of my body.

The fingers moving independently but in relation to the whole body configuration that I have suspended, anchored, am holding-in-shape with very small adjustments and tilts of spine, shoulder, elbow, wrist, while fingers are very busy.

Gesturing and figuring is more to do with curiosity and thinking and not about expressing emotion. Although nostalgia surfaces at times.

Bakani reflecting on the nostalgic sensations that seemed to come up and belong to drawing, particularly when moving away from drawing, from surface, from wall.

Turning around and looking at the drawing traces produced behind the back or with the eyes closed, looking at the traces as that which you were previously part of. Nostalgic. And the drawing does not stay on the wall for the body retains traces too. Patterns stay active in the body, body remembers.