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My husband thinks I have a nose like a dog. I think he has no sense of smell whatsoever!
My very sensitive nose has its uses, has saved lives (“Don’t switch the light on, I can smell gas!”)
And also saves time…

Today I went to view a few more properties. All still within a very small area, and still with Birmingham City Council. As I park the car and walk up the street, I am convinced yet again that the Jewellery Quarter is the right area for us. It’s really cheery, full of buzz, interesting people and places.

The first one was on the second floor, I swear the staircase was only 18 inches wide… Dan isn’t going to get his amp up there, and you can forget the piano! So that’s a no.

I also had another look at the perfect but too expensive one. It’s still great, but still too expensive. I fluttered my eyes at Ray…. He was having none of it. He probably thought I was a mad old bat with some sort of eye infection.

There was a ground floor office set-up property, he said it was 200 sq ft but I think the humongous office furniture that was in there took up 180 of that! There was a handy little separate kitchen area. He thought this would be perfect for us… Which, had my nose not been functioning, I would have agreed with. I’ve taken to stepping into these places as if doing an impression of Hannibal when he gets a whiff of Clarice. No. Sorry Ray, this one is damp. Is it? Yep. Ok. About turn, lock the door…. Next!