its 1.30 pm, and all is quiet in the basement of Lighthouse. Ofcourse, Micheal Roy from experentia Electricia hasn’t slept – he spent the night here working away. I am not sure how many nights he hasn’t slept for. He tells me not to worry about it.
We saw the first bits of light to go through the second display – still no video yet. Jeff Mann sent another patch so we can run the two screens from the one display. I still haven’t tested it yet as I am waiting for the second display. I can’t wait to see it as the first time we saw it – it looked fantastic – brighter and more tones. Interestingly, it hung more as a curtain, which sort of soften it – I feel for Pixy to have worked with Chameleon we would have needed some diffusion – it felt to ‘pixel’ which is what natacha loves – but for Chameleon, it didn’t quite work. Looking back, we needed much more time to come to a better solution for how the projects met/integrated. We got the software integration, but that was about it. Its been interesting to collaborate – but the problem was that the collaboration came in from two projects at different stages with different needs. Maybe we just never got that meeting point right for those reasons.
Phillip Carr from Fabrica came in today to interview me for a small film to run on the TV at Fabrica. Its hard to contain something into 3 minutes. We tried.
Harry Witchell and Carina Westling came over last night for a bit of a chat. Harry Witchel is research the science of the body and its language. I am hoping Harry might come to the talk today so I can get him into a discussion about body language and mimicry. Carina does some interesting work in performance
When I was last in Brighton the HCI group interviewed Carina and her response to one of the protraits. “I was just feeling the shape of that person and how they are to be near, and whether is a soft or hard surface. Whether its one way or two way, whether they are coming out towards me, or whether there is an interface or give and take. And that’s kinda the empathy bit. And I think with the ‘actory two’ its sort of a shiny sort of surface. It doesn’t allow any sort of pushing in. With the other one (susan) there is more a sense of a soft/open ended territory between the two people, me being one of them. It feels like there a sort of tentative listening. Which I guess is the empathy”.