Viewing single post of blog To the margins and taking risks


Having a fractured ankle is forcing me to use muscles I must rarely use. It’s a daily workout physically and mentally, finding strategies for moving, carrying and achieving. And letting go of stuff I can’t reach and can do without; a good metaphor for margins and risk.

Thinking back to how I come to be here in this space, I realise where the seed for this review bursary was planted. Some time ago I was having a conversation with Pam Butler Arts Officer (Development, Education & Community), Chesterfield Borough Council about my visibility or lack of. She suggested that as I have a considerable body of work but am not well known outside the East Midlands, why didn’t I apply for some funding to address this. I began researching some avenues, when up popped a-n Re:view bursaries and here I am. So thanks Pam for encouraging me.

This review has legs, I have legs; we are both are now moving in a different time space continuum.