Visiting Aid & Abet to give our Inexpert Talk yesterday, we were able to see the UFO Archive in the flesh, or the paper and screen in this case. We brought the section of branch and the 250 posters with us.
Having only been at the begining of the archive process researching, generating, editing and sending, how strange to see the fragments of our research curated / displayed at a distance and to experience the physical shape they now create within the space. What was possibly most interesting for me was the knowledge of all the information and images we have chosen not to send in to the gallery, the parts that have been edited out, kept back or filed away off to one side. Signified almost literally by the gaps on the table and the breathing space surrounding it. I supose there will in effect be a secondary or even tertiary East Anglian UFO Archive sitting quietly on a shelf?
Dominique Rey
Struggling with technology again today, trying to get some sound recordings from my p.c-only digital recorder onto the mac so that I can edit some radar footage to send in. The devices and technologies are out of synch. What I need are some high-tech zap rays or some-such. I’ll try again tomorrow evening.
Dominique Rey
Editing my talk for the gallery tomorrow, I seem to have somehow broken iphoto. My head is full of Army Seafort specifications. I think I need some fresh air……
Dominique Rey
The focus has shifted mid-UFO-investigation to all things Liverpool, as we research aspects of that city for our talk this Saturday. All internet and from afar research, quite a contrast from our hands and feet-on forays into the two East Anglian UFO sites.
My Liverpool research has taken me from Celia Fiennes and Daniel Defoe – both of whom highly praised Liverpool – to images of the Liverpool Exchange buildings and World War Two Army Sea Forts. Quits a breadth, but all connected by way of my own thought processes. Sort of round-about and meandering.
Dominique Rey
We are taking a turn towards Liverpool for the next part of our project with Aid and Abet’s Space Exchange project. As we are acting as research assistants for Dave Evans an artist from The Royal Standard in Liverppol, Dominique and I have taken an opportunity to consider Liverpool as rich territory for an artist talk.
The talk we will give will be focused on our own practice interests and consider the internet as a primary research source, as we both have only been to Liverppol once before. Dominique will be discussing sea forts and historical tours and i will be looking at factories and cycle clubs. We hope to travel to Liverpool to deliver the UFO materials to Dave and also perhaps take tours ourselves of the Liverpool area, revise our talk (if appropriate) and deliver it again to a Liverpool audience. But for now, we will give a talk about Liverpool in Cambridge this saturday, please come along.
Liverpool: An Inexpert View: Nicola Naismith & Dominique Rey
Artist talk at Aid and Abet, Stataion Road, Cambridge.
Saturday 22nd October 2011 @ 4pm
Free event
Nicola Naismith