The flimsy-posters arrived today, ready for sending to Aid & Abet, or taking out to our Tour tomorrow when we think about Operation Charlie. There are 3 of each – one for the UFO Tour archive to take to the Royal Standard, one for the Satellite UFO Tour Archive and one to play around with in whichever way seems best at the time.

Dominique Rey


Some strange sort of reputation as a UFO spotter? This was forwarded to me….


I’ve printed the black and white images taken of details of Rendlesham Forest that caught our attention and even, perhaps, seemed significant at that time in that place. I’ve called them ‘traces’ , of what? Context is paramount, it seems. Do they still seem significant at this distance? I certainly want / wanted to believe……

The overall impression is of a spooky, atmospheric wood, dark shadows and alleys of trunks leading off in every direction. It is difficult with black and white images of forests to not be just a little Blair Witch, although I tried hard to steer away from this. The images were then photocopied and after some experimentation, I have come up with using highlighter pens for a purity of colour to evoke the vibrancy of the paint Nicola and I saw daubed on tree trunks in the forest. Highlighter pens rule! The collection of 7 or so images will be loosely stuck / clipped together to form a document.

This suits the process of the project:

we are looking at lo-fi methods of distribution, copying, dissemination through interaction, edition-ing and later archiving.

Also, I’m excited about the possibility of visiting the Radar Museum on our next Tour.

Dominique Rey


Part of Rendlesham Forest that we wandered around, showing the corner of the former Woodbridge Airbase, including, I think, the fabled Eastgate.

Dominique Rey


17 January 1947: Operation Charlie

One of the incidents that Dave Evans (the person we are investigating and collecting UFO information on behalf of) mentioned was Operation Charlie from 1947.

My initial enquiries have located mentions of both the Chain Home Low Radar at Skendleby in Lincolnshire and RAF Ingoldmels. It seems some kind of capture of the unidentified object was undertaken without success. There is a book which included information about Operation Charlie:

‘Out of the Shadows: UFOs, the Establishment and Official Cover Up (David Clarke and Andy Roberts)’

which is available on Amazon i wonder if Dave would appreciate a second hand copy?

Perhaps a visit to the Radar Museum (RAF Air Defence) in Norfolk may be useful http://www.radarmuseum.co.uk/home.htm

Dominique and i need to plan our next tour date….

Nicola Naismith