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I think I saw the UFO-Uk programme the other day. Here are the notes I made (in Stickies) whilst watchingthe show and simultaneously having a telephone conversation:???

NEAR MISS air miss

1944 fromm Essen to Mildenhall red balls of fire

1912 Sheerness essex docks – Churchill admiralty responsibility

east anglian coast 1996 October, police rang in first directly south east from Skegness – videod moving light relayed to Yarmouth coastguard. Call to raf neatishead, used radar, trawler / tanker vessel at sea is this star Veda?, or is it due to popularity of x files

but no aircraft scrambled. also sighted over Boston Lincs as a fixed light- explained as church ‘boston stump’? venus called queen of the ufos


aid & abet

The image is an information board in a ‘control’ hub at RAF Neatishead Radar Museum. Not sure how it all works. Perhaps used when tracking signals such as the Lincolnshire sightings?

Dominique Rey