Today’s post shows prints found on Flickr which if you are unaware is a huge photo database. It’s used by a lot of artists of many calibers. For example the first two prints on view are by people who don’t seem to have printmaking as their main practice.
Moominsean aka Sean J Rohde is from Phoenix, Arizona and his main preoccupation, really seems to be more focused on toy cameras and old cameras as is evident if you visit his personal website. http://moominsean.blogspot.com/
However he has a collection of images on his Flickr album
http://www.flickr.com/photos/sjrohde/ though no further tradigital works that I could see. The work featured here, the first on this post, is untitled and described as inkjet on woodblock.

The next work is again found on Flickr, and is by Ida Kumoji (USA).
Its "Untitled" and described as linoleum & Digital inkjet print, Ida, seems to be mainly working in the design field so I couldn’t see any further examples of printmaking. Having said that, the website address is http://www.idaankrah.com for your curiosity/reference.
The work was entered to a print exchange with Print Zero Studios which was set up by Brian Lane and Jeremy Cody in 2003.
I did actually participate in one of these myself, a few years back.
Their own website seems to be currently offline however they use a Flickr photo album http://www.flickr.com/photos/printzerostudios/
as the window on all the exchanges and show the individual prints made and contributed towards each exchange.

The only thing that I could find out about Charles Mulligan III was that he is into playing golf. He’s the creator of this next print which is described as drypoint, inkjet and green tea (?) Again no title. This was another print exchange entry in one of the Print Zero Studios exchanges.



One of my earlier discoveries, Carmon Colangelo
is a Canadian Born, American., who lives and works in St. Louis, Missouri.
The print featured here by Colangelo is described (presumably by the artist) as silkscreen on digital print.

Where inkjet is concerned , he uses a variety of printmaking processes usually using one technique, at a time, along with the digital print. These include collagraph, chine colle or as above silkscreen.

His work might be loosely described as figurative – abstract.


TRADIGITAL- experimentation in digital print which incorporates silkscreen, relief + intaglio techniques. Through this project I hope to research, learn, question, share and thereby provide an educational vehicle for practicing printmakers.

Relatively recent Internet research to discover printmakers, who are tradigital, has not proved terribly fruitful which is why for some time I have had this idea. When I became aware of the A.N.
artists talking project, this gave me the impetus to get started.

Initially I shall show some of my own work, to show what I have been doing in my own printmaking.

At the same time I plan to conduct research on the internet and publish my findings although as time goes on I shall be distributing “calls to artists” as well as inviting artists to contribute.