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We have found the process of conducting our exchange through a series of newspaper publications a beneficial way of improving our international practice as POST. The use of multiple newspaper publications throughout the project has brought the following benefits:

· Created concentrated points of exchange where the artists involved have shared and conversed, leading to developments in our individual and collaborative practices. Fixed print deadlines within a flexible approach helped to maintain the momentum of the exchange.

· Created a tangible reason to ‘trade’, when separated by being in different countries, which some virtual methods did not create.

· Reduced the ‘stress levels’ associated with a one-hit exhibition. By opening up communication channels and having 4 publication points that both precede and follow an exhibition a more sustainable working method has been devised.

· A newspaper is a distributable medium that can be sent to our international contacts, providing better focused audience for the development and future professional support for the practices of the artists involved. This has been a valuable way of maintaining interest in the project from outside agencies. We have also broadened our distribution since paper 2, when we printed the document in Istanbul. We sent the publication from Istanbul to take advantage of the low cost postage, and used this approach and mailing list to distribute further publications.

1000 copies of each 16 page full colour newspaper were produced. The publication schedule was modified from the original schedule as follows:

#1 How we are going to make it real.
May 2012
Distributed in Liverpool during Liverpool Art Month. Limited distribution in Istanbul.

#2 Paylas/Share
September 2012
Developed during CK residency in Istanbul. Finalised and published during CW residency in Istanbul. Wide distribution in Istanbul, to international European contacts. Wide distribution in Liverpool during Liverpool Biennial

#3 Open Conversation
November 2012
Developed during the residencies of NA & GA in Liverpool with POST and Curve Gallery. Published to be distributed throughout Liverpool during the final 3 weeks of Liverpool Biennial. Postal distribution to Istanbul & to international European contacts.

#4 Outcome. Consequence. Effect.
April 2013
All artists discussed during Sept 2012 that it might be beneficial to leave a period of time between the 3rd & final publications to allow for reflection and for things to happen organically with the exchange and the outcomes of the work. This longer period has meant that the content of the publication is not forced, and it has also been able to better fit with personal and professional commitments of each of the artists.

This publication was timed to coincide with the World Book Fair, which had a Turkey market focus and outreach events in Liverpool, and the INN London Turkey Art Fair.

This publication has had the widest distribution throughout Liverpool, to many contacts in Istanbul and to our contacts across Europe.