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Examples of methods used to trade

The primary aim of this project was ‘To set up both virtual & physical spaces and times for ‘TRADING STATION’ Here is a list of methods tried during the project.

Virtual trading

· Photos, quotations and texts sent by mobile SMS, email, tumblr and google picasa web between Istanbul and Liverpool.

· Trading via a proxy artist. One artist sharing another’s working method with our Istanbul partners.

· By exchanging postcards in person and by mail

· By exchanging objects either in person, or by sending them through the mail

· By sending objects through the mail, that then do not arrive, so sharing the documentation of the act of trading. 2 out of 4 packages sent in this way did not arrive intact.

· Conversations on Skype

· A simple SMS, sometimes so small but at times a vitally inclusive and manageable way in connecting to individuals who were ‘away’ at times due to life pressures.

· Sending a digital memory stick with files on it from Liverpool to Istanbul

· By working directly with a person outside the exchange to develop skills in desktop publishing or film making

· By sharing files using dropbox

· Remote working, when physically meeting up to work on reports, funding applications or publications, was too challenging or not entirely necessary, some POST members benefited from arranging set hours when they would both be working on the tasks and could bat emails back or forth or have brief phone chats to discuss points.

· The contents pages of the newspapers act as a space for us to communicate between ourselves and with an audience- to trade information about our working processes and influences.

· Editing and adapting images using photoshop, then sending them to either the group or an individual to explain an idea or to communicate a practice.

· Sharing of the audio recording of the Open Conversation event on Soundcloud.

· Establishment of more direct and less communal methods of communication (email, twitter) as the project and relationships developed leading to less use of tumblr, physical mailing etc.

Physical trading

· An introduction to TRADING STATION with Atılkunst at Mimar Sinan University

· a ‘High tea event’ at Atılkunst studios initiated by Susan and Amanda, that shared cultural experiences and brokered conversation between the artists involved.

· Meetings the studio of Nancy Atakan in Istanbul

· Meeting at the home of Gülçin Aksoy.

· Claire met with Gülçin in Istanbul, and then re-created the conversation about Gülçin’s practice in a meeting with Susan and Amanda in Liverpool.

· Exhibition preparation meetings with Lisa Who at Curve Gallery

· At the home of Nancy Atakan, Susan, Amanda and Claire held discussions with a group of Turkish, German and Swedish artists.

· Robyn met with an archivist at SALT research library http://www.saltresearch.org where our TRADING STATION publication is held

· Meetings with gallery owners in Istanbul., including follow-up meetings by different POST artists on a number of occasions.

· An open conversation event was held at Curve Gallery, Liverpool.

· TRADING STATION exhibition at Curve Gallery, Liverpool.

· ‘Altered Images’ installation at 5533 Gallery, Istanbul

· Watermark – intervention in Istanbul

· ‘Welcome’ a flash mob by Cecilia Kinnear at the Bluecoat, Liverpool.