Chelsea College of Art & Design: Short Course – Curating Contemporary Art Exhibitions.

I recently received a grant form Cardiff City Council to be able to attend the course above, it should prove massively interesting and benefitical for me and my practice as there’s no Curatorial education in Wales. I think some of the most important things won’t be what we’re taught, but hopefully the other students on the course will all have the same kind of urge for cross-country critical discourse. I’ll report more on the course when I know a little more about it. Last year’s schedule looked great, I hope it’s similar this year.

Having discussed my expectations and aims of the course with a few people, I think it’s hard to place my practice, either artistic or curatorial nowadays, the same (and some new) ideas still fascinate me it’s just a little blurry in terms of the hats we wear, but I don;t actually think there’s anything wrong with that, its easy to assume that you’ll be put into a box, but maybe there isnt any boxes left anymore just lines on the ground, all interlinking.