Walking in the trees most days now, and I feel that I am becomming privaledged, as if they are beginning to show me there inner beauty. I mentioned last time how much pink was visable, ofcourse this is brought out by the tremendous amount of green at this time of year and will change as the season changes. For now I will embrace the colourists vision as this seems dominant this week, I will be open to the burgeoning instincts, I still maintain zen qualities: 'As I work, the work will appear to me'. Some more pastel sketches, trying to get raw marks and scribbles, these are recordings of the woods and will probably finish with a selection of exhibition works in a multi media format, this is my prefered method of working: source raw material and convert by using modern day plastics and recycled rubbish, then exhibit. Please rotate image. Got some problems with images and loading programmes, so frustration reigns, really thwarted by my own network, will get a techie in unless can resume working without, part of the artistic tapestry!Soz got all ready to load 5 images, try tomorrow.