I want to use this space to reflect on, and find my own balance between these three aspects in relation to my art practice. I make porcelain domestic objects and I seek to improve their technical detail and their meaning.
Miss B’s Salons are regular discussion events chaired by Ruth Beale (Miss B) that bring together invited groups of artists, curators and interested parties to present and discuss their work and selected topics. They are frequently private and by invitation […]
A year long residency in West Penwith: Re-Connecting: layers of people and place; feet to ground (of practice); practice within sites of wider context www.veronicavickery.co.uk
The project discussed is a joint collaboration between two artists, Neil Galligan a watercolour painter, and Kim Walker, a digital artist. Both artists travelled together for three weeks around the Western Isles, collecting material in 2009. When The Stone Falls […]
This is a record of my progress in 2008. I am looking forward to some exciting and challenging exhibitions and wanted to log the growth of my work and ideas throughout them. With lots to learn and many challenges ahead, […]
Three artists setting up a community arts project in Hastings, East Sussex. We have a centre, with a gallery shop and two workshops. We will run classes, rent space out, sell local artists work, run outside events, whilst trying to […]
TRADIGITAL printmaking – experimentation in digital print, incorporating silkscreen/relief/intaglio techniques. I hope to research, question, present +provide an educational resource for artists/printmakers.
Creating new paintings for a solo exhibition titled 'Hundreds' at Milton Keynes Contemporary in March 2008.www.miltonkeynescontemporary.co.uk
Projects unedited blog by Alex Pearl
The study revolves around ‘survival’. Surviving as a result of using art as a language, to make room to move, to find space and healing. The process follows the grief after a personal loss; dealing with post traumatic stress and […]
This is a six-week placement where the emphasis is equally on student and artist development. I will be giving a few workshops and performances, but also produce a body of work which specifically explores the acoustics of the college site.
We were given an envelope containing a piece of paper 10×15 cms. This was sent around the group and worked on. You received a new print every couple of weeks. The project will shortly come to an end with an […]
Last spring, I was asked by Christine Gist if I were interested in developing a piece of work for a group show titled ‘Interventions in the Landscape: Paradise Revealed’ at Pines Gardens, St. Margaret’s Bay in Kent. In the meantime, […]
In September 2007 I packed my bags, said goodbye to my life in Sheffield and moved to CalArts (California Institute of the Arts) to study MFA Photo/Media. CalArts is 30 miles north of Los Angeles, in a suburban city called […]
Projects unedited blog by Nans Gallery
Projects unedited blog by Ceci Lombardi & Marco Palmieri
Projects unedited blog by Gordon Flemons
Projects unedited blog by Bianca Winter
Projects unedited blog by Alexandria Clark
Projects unedited blog by Rachel Lois Clapham
Projects unedited blog by Neil Armstrong
Projects unedited blog by Paul Bartholomew
Reviews unedited blog by Elpida Hadzi-Vasileva
Projects unedited blog by Vicki Coster
Projects unedited blog by Cathy Busby