a-n bursary: Audio-visual aspects of site performance
Through the a-n bursary earlier this year, I got the necessary skills and confidence to work on my long-term performance-research project on ecology, gender and ritual transformations.
Through the a-n bursary earlier this year, I got the necessary skills and confidence to work on my long-term performance-research project on ecology, gender and ritual transformations.
Arts Council England have awarded me a project grant to research how to create interactive art without touch over the next year
I will be open for visitors and buyers at my little studio in the beautiful Purbeck Hill of Dorset
As artists and freelancers, we need to adapt to survive these challenging times.
An enquiry in to understanding systems of representation.
New piece I have been working on.
It’s been a few months since I completed my creative coding training, which was part of my a-n bursary. Since that time, along with many many other artists, my projects plans have changed. Lots of projects were cancelled, but also […]
A global celebration of Bruce Lee,
marking what would have been his 80th birthday
A place to write about my inclusive praxis
This is the story of my journeys to the mystical land of Virtual Reality, offloading the insights I brought back on my ship.
For immediate release 18 Nov 2020 Local artist to be presented South Oxford Community Centre New Hinksey Arts Visual Exhibition Veronica Cordova de la Rosa artist presented New Hinksey Christmas exhibition virtually from 16th November and by appointment from Sunday […]
process and planning of collaborative illustrative and audio art exhibition, between myself and Ulrika-Igraine Muñoz-alarcón.
The trials and tribulations of setting up an exhibition in Hastings in the Covid-19 landscape.
This is the story of my journeys to the mystical land of Virtual Reality, offloading the insights I brought back on my ship.
New paintings emerge every week from the studio of David Frank Harding. It’s Pat today! Who will arrive tomorrow?
I have been hitting walls with VR for so long. Finally this year I have found a door! I am exhilarated! Beginning this year I was awarded an artist bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company and Arts Council England […]
Reasons to join the Fine Art Trade Guild
How to make a fencing manual in a pandemic.
Rabbits Road Press (London) Granby Press (Liverpool) and Tender Hands Press (Glasgow) are delighted to be working together as an Artist Make Change Peer Learning Group. Through creating a working group, we are keen to share best practice about how […]
We are a peer group of artists that haven’t met together for nearly a decade. We have all worked individually on our practices and felt the pressures of production, coping with a range of barriers. These challenges might have […]
This is the story of my journeys to the mystical land of Virtual Reality, offloading here the insights I brought back on my ship.
We are a group called Stair/Slide Space who will be asking the question “What does it mean to drop out?” through our peer learning group session. The topic of dropping out is very timely, with many of us falling out […]
With her work and indeed this book, Misselbrook is asking questions of her audience, and herself. We journey with her, and that is how I arrive here, having responded to a question.
“Can you hear me?”
‘Lost in Space’. This week on display in the studio is an oil painting from one of David’s collections. The group of paintings are a combination of abstract shapes, colour and faces with figurative depictions of iconic figures including James Dean and Rudolph Valentino.