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Blog Artist

‘The Climate Project’

I recently found out that I have been accepted as one of the 10 finalists for the ‘SCAF Emerging Artist Award’! The exhibition is in October, and I have the next few months to produce an artwork based on the theme of ‘Climate’ and my submitted proposal.

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Blog Artist

only traces remain

I am still exploring what I can do on this site. for the meantime please have a look at my website to discover what I have been doing during this unusual time to be graduating!

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Blog Artist

Tree of Knowledge SK 04926 72506

Tracing the parallels between Ash Die Back disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) and Covid 19
The art of biodiversity

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Blog Artist

Chemical Reactions

I’ve been lucky enough to be given access to a garden over lockdown – I live in a small-ish two bedroom flat on the second floor, nice views of London but no garden space. Going out onto the streets to […]

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Blog Artist

Sculpting Time in Water

I have undertaken professional development and mentoring with experts that supported me advance my arts practice. I have explored and developed my professional practice as an aquatic performer by researching business strategies with Joel Cahen, audio/visual practitioner.

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Blog Artist

I’m back!

Just renewed my membership after a break of 4 years!
I’ve come a long way and hope to share my work with you all and pick up some needed tips. Thank you…

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Performer art - 2-tone band The Selecter in oils by Stella Tooth
Blog Artist

Togetherness with 2-tone ska band – The Selecter

After months of isolation we crave togetherness, yet seasonal music festivals are a no no. The Selecter, whose 2-Tone music sought to defuse racial tensions in Thatcher’s Britain, remind us of our humanity. Relevant then as now. Different media, different sides of live music.

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Blog Artist

Sticky domestic weight

I have no clear understanding where I stop and my children begin, this is mirrored Through object in that I am the house, the kitchen, the bath, the dogs, the bitty Lego carpet and my un made bed.

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