The magic of a before-and-after comparison
Laying a screenprint, one colour separation after another
Laying a screenprint, one colour separation after another
In the middle of a pandemic, amidst the pain and anger that erupted as a result of the George Floyd murder, it is hard to make art that captures this point in time. Yet, The symbolism of the Four Horsemen seems perfectly suited to these imperfect times.
News, updates and the written ramblings of a cat-fluff covered visual artist with a penchant for cheesecake.
I recently found out that I have been accepted as one of the 10 finalists for the ‘SCAF Emerging Artist Award’! The exhibition is in October, and I have the next few months to produce an artwork based on the theme of ‘Climate’ and my submitted proposal.
ok so let’s start by explaining that myth is a metalanguage, right? it’s basically a language to describe another language. myths are stories with truths and untruths about our prevalent human themes and essentially contain everything that makes us who […]
Delighted to have emerged from lockdown with two new online art shops – one for my original art, and the other for my art on products. My original art – portraiture from performers to bathers and flora and fauna from […]
Share tips on resilience with fellow emerging artists
Create an income from doing what you love.Learn how to set SMART Goals to achieve success as an artist.Free Webinar for Artists Funded by the Arts Council
I am still exploring what I can do on this site. for the meantime please have a look at my website to discover what I have been doing during this unusual time to be graduating!
Tracing the parallels between Ash Die Back disease (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) and Covid 19
The art of biodiversity
A blog on filming on your smartphone
Artists are bringing their £10.8 billion per year industry in to play to help lead this country out of darkness.
Reflections on my changing art practices in a temporary working space
I’ve been lucky enough to be given access to a garden over lockdown – I live in a small-ish two bedroom flat on the second floor, nice views of London but no garden space. Going out onto the streets to […]
I have undertaken professional development and mentoring with experts that supported me advance my arts practice. I have explored and developed my professional practice as an aquatic performer by researching business strategies with Joel Cahen, audio/visual practitioner.
Just renewed my membership after a break of 4 years!
I’ve come a long way and hope to share my work with you all and pick up some needed tips. Thank you…
After months of isolation we crave togetherness, yet seasonal music festivals are a no no. The Selecter, whose 2-Tone music sought to defuse racial tensions in Thatcher’s Britain, remind us of our humanity. Relevant then as now. Different media, different sides of live music.
I have no clear understanding where I stop and my children begin, this is mirrored Through object in that I am the house, the kitchen, the bath, the dogs, the bitty Lego carpet and my un made bed.
A lockdown project exchanging artwork with other artists, displaying it and discussing the process.
Musings from my attic studio during COVID Lockdown.
My Time Space Money project will look at the rise in domestic abuse and violence against women during lockdown in the UK.
Reflection 2nd and 3rd Mentoring (I’m confused it might only be 2nd!)
Curated by artist Colette Lilley, participants were selected who work with drawing and who are active on instagram
2020 first quarter was shaping up to be very busy in my small studio, where I have been teaching one-to-one workshops in contemporary encaustic wax for a few years.