Dyfodiaith – Future language
Tafod Dadweirlled – Metamorphosing tongue
This research period will help develop a narrative, which imagines speaking to an unknown future; it will be developed into a new script that will serve as the basis of a new sound work.
How can machine learning re-imagine seemingly fixed conceptions of individual and collective identity?
Imagining Merkel and May taking part in the Eurovision song contest! Inspired by Dada poetry, Euro(re)vision explores the relationships between artificial intelligence, politics and pop culture.
A week-long residency in New York with choreographer Kristopher Pourzal exploring movement, Queerness, resistance & Race as a context to heal through movement.
Is that where we are headed?
A Woman’s Place was presented at The National Conference on Contemporary Cast Iron and Art at Sloss Furnaces, Birmingham, Alabama, US.
A blog documenting my experiences studying an MA in Multi-Disciplinary Printmaking at the University of the West of England, Bristol.
Art by Lynne Forrester: Blog: 30 Paintings in 30 Days – introducing the complete Winter Skies series
Everyday I visit a field behind my house. It sounds pretty dull I know. I began my encounter with this field in pretty much the expected manner, trudging along it, ticking off the daily task of walking the dog. It’s just a field but I’m sort of getting obsessed.
You dont need to keep popping pills – Science has finally PROVEN that group drumming is an alternative.
Art criticism in the 21st century
Research trip to investigate artist-led activity in New York City.
How can music and active percussion enable children to learn effectively?
Experiences when Participating in Open Studios and when Opting out
Producing new work at the moment but a bit stuck…i am a abstract artist but i seem to be doing illustrations.Therefore being too literal.
Here is a series of portrait figure study paintings using the reductive technique in oil on card and panel. The theme examines figures with covered faces such as people in gas masks or pilots in helmets and breathing apparatus during war time or riot police in visors.
Let The Arts be to climate change what music was to Live Aid
mentoring with Bill Campell of Islington Mill continues with a fab group sesh with other mentees
I am creating a mobile, moving artwork exploring my childhood journeys from the Midlands to coastal holidays in the South West, the memories, the excitement, the early starts, the car sickness, the model villages and our ever-present and trusty Volvos.
Is the volume of political art in the welsh valleys being turned up?
A blog to document and discuss my Artist in Residence post at the Scottish Crannog Centre, supported by the Scottish Graduate School of Arts & Humanities.
touching the world through walking while seated, moving, in silence or not.
An artist placement at manufacturer Ritherdon & Co Ltd, taking place between Feb 2019 – Feb 2020. A development from an Art in Manufacturing 2 residency for the National Festival of Making 2018. Supported using public funding by the National Lottery through Arts Council England.
I was recently asked to give a talk about starting out an art practice in Dumfries and Galloway, to a group of young artists – blueprint100 at the Stove. I’ve learned to avoid these experiences as I am usually far […]
Unique presentations and flame based glass blowing courses.