Thanks to an A-N Travel Bursary, foundations were laid for a photographic project exploring Finland’s rich history of couple dancing. The first leg took me around South Savonia in the east of Finland and this blog is a kind of unravelling of the people and places I encountered.
Actively seeking collaborators through print workshops across Europe, backed by a-n travel grant.
Notes from a travel to HangZhou with Macclesfield Historian Dorothy Bentley Smith (a-n Travel Bursary)
Visual payment supplied by 1x anonymous artist in return for 1x artist-coaching session.
Encounters between photographer Jerome Whittingham and the Hull Library Service, an installation of photographs.
How does our community influence our art? And how can the arts impact a community? Some reflections from my involvement in Square Peg’s ‘Underlined’ community arts project, along with thoughts and events that provoke new ‘ways of seeing’
As a creative industries graduate I struggle with the notion that crafting is somehow not worthy to be called art…..
Reflections on the RD1st Coaching Course 2017 and beyond. Course fees funded and attendance supported by a bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company
I am delighted to have been awarded an A-N Professional Development Bursary to help me explore how the use of a mobile phone app might benefit my practice. I currently create collaborative drawings by asking volunteers to undertake walks whilst […]
Blogging through a concise period of work.
Researching the potential of digital technology to develop my practice.
In February I received the A-N Travel Bursary to enable me to return to Mexico where I began the first stage of a new major body of work.
Highlights from a visit to Aarhus, Denmark in July 2017 to research site-specific art. Aarhus is currently European City of Culture.
Mark David Lloyd is a British contemporary artist who exhibits internationally. He works predominantly in painting but also in other disciplines. His work has been described as; meta-modernist, post post-modernist, and nascent.
Artist Joanna Kirk interviews sculptor Victoria Rance ahead of a ten-year retrospective of her work, ‘Victoria Rance | The Night Horse and The Holy Baboon’ to be held at The Cello Factory, Waterloo 23-30 October 2017.
Funded by the A-N travel bursary 2017, I was able to return to Mexico to strengthen and develop connections with galleries, museums and individuals, widen my understanding of working internationally, and develop my ongoing body of work Conceal with the aim of publishing it.
For six months every two years, Venice’s Giardini, Arsenale and many splendoured palazzos play host to the Art Biennale. This year, titled Arte Viva Arte and curated by Christine Macel, promised ‘an extrovert movement from the self to the other, […]
Descriptions of what happens in studio activity and thought processes that influence the work in progress
The Autonomous Artist is a dedicated blog detailing activities, thoughts and reflections about my time as 2017/18 Visual Artist Fellow on the Clore Leadership Programme. I will be exploring the role of the artist in arts leaderships and reflecting on independent, […]
This blog will be documenting my time during the Graduate Residency within AirSpace Gallery.
Portal is a new collaborative installation project initiated by Ceramic Artist Emma Summers. It is inspired by traditional folk and fairy tales and the the historical medieval market town of Ludlow and the community of South Shropshire.
A New Dictionary of Art – One Word: 3000 Definitions
28-29 October 2017 (10.30-18.30 Saturday – 10.30- 16.30 Sunday)
Private View: 27 October 2017. 6.30pm
Thirtyfive Gamble, Nottingham
re emerging from a long period of illness.
re evaluating my art practice.
This blog is to record recollections of my experience and research in Brazil.