Artist - Page 43 of 104 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

AirBridge: Beauty and the Bridge

Reflecting on the beginning of my public programme as Artist in Residence at Tower Bridge, this entry shares the experience of leading a participatory art walk along the Thames…

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Blog Artist

The Melodramatic Elephant in the Haunted Castle

Arts Council England funded project about the melodramatic history of the Coronet Theatre in the Elephant and Castle, London. It is closing after 145 years of theatre, film, music and clubbing events.

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Blog Artist

Portrait of a Parent

Portrait of a Parent is the title to my MA proposal and I aim to create a body of work that supports new understandings of parenthood and creates a platform for dialogue between parents both with and without children.

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Blog Artist

Screen Printing & Ceramic Surface

a-n Artist Information Company | Professional Development Bursary | 2017
A series of blogs documenting my research and experimentation of the screen printing process and ceramic surface decoration.

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Blog Artist

Adventures in Coach Land

I got a place on the a-n/RD1st coaching course and a bursary to support it, thank you very much A-N…. This is where I take you on the journey with me and attempt to become an artist coach without trying to fix or break anyone….

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Blog Artist

Swearing Less and Other Problems Worth Solving

NEW STUDIO/OLD IDEAS After a year of working out of my front room I have taken a new studio. It’s attached to a night club. Kind of an annex to the back room. It needs work; needs some walls building […]

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Blog Artist


This Blog charts the progress of a sound project developed by Lee Berwick and Veronica Calarco, generously supported by a 2017 Professional Development Bursary

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Blog Artist


Following our first rural, interactive, community- and time-based public installation…exploring the process, history, community, surroundings, landscape…

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Blog Artist

RÅFILM short documentary

In 2016 i was awarded travel bursary to network with like minded people in the same field as me. Even through it didn’t necessarily need to document my trip, I couldn’t help myself. So click on the vimeo link below to see what I got up to.

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Blog Artist

Memory of Clothes

Looking into connections between autobiographical memory and clothing, linking art and science through research and material investigation.
Image: Untitled (STB), 2011, plaster, 30 x 12.5 x 9.5 cm (cast of inside of clothing)

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Blog Artist

Do not disturb, artist at work.

Me muttering about creative processes, life and inspirations. My work rarely stands still, a bit like me. It evolves and meanders in subject and style, like a winding stream. I just go with the flow.

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Blog Artist

Paper, Ink, Stone: A journey across the UK in pigment

  What does it mean to have all the colours available to you as an artist?  We just can click and order, browse wondrous shops full of pigments or go onto our devices and swipe, touch and tap our way […]

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Blog Artist


A research & Development project exploring relationships between gender, sexuality, mental health and abject art- considering the communication of complex themes to a wide audience resulting in a new performance work by artist Rosanne Robertson.

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Blog Artist

A Quintessence of Dust

Charting a glazing and firing development process with ceramics mentor supported by a-n professional development artist’s bursary.

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Blog Artist

AirBridge: Staring down the Beast

This blog entry reflects on the relationships between walking, thinking and looking in the early stages of my artist residency at Tower Bridge and the resulting impact upon my drawing practice.

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Blog Artist

Repeator & Office for Art, Design and Technology

Repeator focuses the practices of Cathy Wade & Laurence Price. Office for Art, Design and Technology is an initiative led by Ryan Hughes. They intend to develop & share each other’s working methodologies with the support of an a-n Professional Development bursary 2017.

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Blog Artist

Narrative art and the exhibition

I’m busy developing the work for my next exhibition, which is themed on the Arctic Convoys that supplied the USSR and the Eastern Front during 1941-45. Using paintings and sculpture I hope to give viewers a sense of what it […]

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