Artist - Page 49 of 104 - a-n The Artists Information Company

Blog Artist

Matrix of Movement.

Research and development exploring reconsiderations of landscape through my fine art practice as part of the A-N Travel Bursary 2016

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Blog Artist

Into the woods: charting my residency in a rural context

This blog charts my residency in Potterside Woods in North Yorkshire. In the past few years my practice has become increasingly site-responsive. A city girl until my recent move, this residency will allow me space to explore my practice in my new rural context.

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Blog Artist

How do I Start so late in life

I love wood, I create clocks in wood all different, and this Sunday I will be at the Art in the Market in York for the first time and I am nervous.

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Blog Artist

OBRAS Foundation 3 week Residency Portugual

OBRAS is a Portuguese word and means “work in progress”. They provide space, support and hospitality necessary for effective working on art and science. It is based in a rural region with several apartments, studios and music hall.

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Blog Artist

Back in Sweden

Thanks again to Artist Information Network, I’m back in Sweden for my final visit and this time my objectives have happened. During my 2 wreek stay I’ll be working with Råfilm on a workshop based project with refugees from Western Sahara. More to follow during my stay.

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A misty image of the Teifi Pools, in West Wales, UK.
Blog Artist

Visualising Oral Tradition

Keeping a record of my progress towards a PhD in Fine Art at the Aberystwyth University, School of Art. I use drawing, print and book works to help visualise Welsh Medieval oral tales.

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Blog Artist

Fine Art Quilt Masters

Ruth Singer has won the Fine Art Quilt Masters competition with her piece Criminal Quilts: Hanging inspired by photographs of women criminals.

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Blog Artist

Ocean wedding

Sustainable fashion design, up cycling vintage garments with marine debris

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Blog Artist

The Spaces Between

Documenting my experience on the Artist Teacher Scheme 2016-17, my personal growth as an artist, and where it leads me to next.

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Blog Artist


/reflecting upon professional development, supported by a-n funding 2016

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Blog Artist

Robots, research and rocking chairs

Robots, research and rocking chairs CHI Computer-Human Interaction conference, San Jose, California, USA: 7th – 12th May 2016 The annual CHI conference (pronounced ‘kai’) for Computer Human Interaction describes itself as ‘a place to see, discuss and learn about the future […]

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Blog Artist

Turner Contemporary Platform Graduate Award 2016 exhibition now open!

Myself, along with 5 other local university graduates, have each been shortlisted for this exciting opportunity. Our art will be shown alongside the current exhibition, which includes work by Leonardo Da Vinci and William Blake. On show until the 25th Sept.

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Blog Artist

Keeping It Moving

In this blog I will be documenting the process of making a short film with the assistance and expertise of film maker Henrietta Thomas. I have a collection of vintage music boxes and my aim is to make a film […]

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grayson perry's all man - a response
Blog Artist

Grayson’s Better Man

A review of Grayson Perry’s ‘All Man’ series on Channel Four television.

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Blog Artist

My residency in an industrial museum

I have been the resident artist at Sheffield’s Abbeydale Industrial Hamlet, which is an industrial museum, since April (and will be until Oct), working on site for 2-3 days a week, creating 14 paintings evoking understanding of what the site […]

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