I have been invited to exhibit at the 3rd edition of Coup de Ville, a Contemporary Art Triennial located in Sint-Niklaas, Belgium. This edition focuses on wastelands and in-between spaces, and invites the selected artists to respond and intervene in select locations.
Blog recording development and work in progress in relation to the professional development bursary awarded by a-n in 2016.
Professional Development Bursary.
This blog is a record of my bursary-funded (and other related) activity after having been awarded the a-n Professional Development Bursary in 2016.
Museum of Water has been nominated for European Museum of the Year. Amy Sharrocks, who began the museum in 2013, has been given an a-n travel bursary to attend the ceremony and weekend of events in San Sebastián, Spain.
A-N Travel Bursary funded research trip to SGCI (Southern Graphics Council International) FLUX printmaking conference in Portland, Oregon followed by a 2 month collaborative printmaking residency at KALA Art Institute, Berkeley, California.
A 7th season as Artist in Residency at the Ness of Brodgar excavations in Orkney.
I was delighted to hear I had been awarded an a-n Professional Development Bursary as I had already started on my project “Sound Scape” a collaboration between myself and Julia Harding, musician and composer for this work and this will provide the wherewithal to […]
Well, firstly, huge thanks a-n for selecting me for a Professional Development Bursary, your investment in me will really make a difference. In all honesty I don’t usually apply for things like this as I don’t believe that I’ll be […]
I was so happy when I found out I was awarded Travel Bursary to network in Sweden. Can’t wait to meet like minded people in my line of work.
So “Yey” I was lucky enough to be awarded a Professional Devleopment Bursary from A-N.. what was it for, well sit down and I’ll tell you a story… make a cuppa I can go on a little
A-N Professional Development Bursary 2016
Forty page case-bound book showing all 26 mixed media landscape pieces being shown at Alan Kluckow Fine Art April 16th to May 10th 2016
Research & Development – Reading & Dialogue – Reaction & Direction – Courtesy of an AN Professional Development Bursary 2016
The R&D project blog for Through A Wall, where I attempt to unravel what has happened so far, what I’m working on and learning – and where this project is now heading. Includes recent work as resident artist at Blast Theory.
Primary is an artist-led space in Nottingham. Through the A-N Go & See bursary, we went to visit artist-led spaces and arts venues in Scotland and the Netherlands to learn about different organisational models, approaches to public programming and supporting artists.
During spring 2016, I am volunteering at the Woodlands Trust’s Glen Finglas site near Callander in Scotland. I will be completing the Trust’s Audio Interpretation Internship post. This blog will reflect on my internship with the Trust and my audio work created for the placement.
Come with me to watch and marvel at the miracle of a seed.
Reflections on image making and taking from 1984-2016
A-N Professional Development Bursary – Diary and reflections of what I will be doing and have done. My career seems to be at a crucial juncture – I am ‘here’ but want to be ‘there’. I have achieved ‘this’ and now I want to achieve ‘that’: I want to move on to the Next Stage.
Ethnocide Blurb https://youtu.be/bLt_c4dcgHA ‘While entire cultures and livelihoods are wiped off the Earth, the knowledge within them is being spilled out of the global cultural landscape and heritage. As much as the actual local landscape is being destroyed, the […]
An exploration of concrete as a sculptural material: the positive and negative space and the structural limits of a material.
The Buffer Zone tracks a new thematic collaboration between Megan Calver, Susie David and Gabrielle Hoad at Dawlish Warren. We will use our a-n Professional Development Bursary to develop new work and documentation to support future applications for funding and commissions.
Professional development bursary progress
Hi, I am new to this forum and I’m still trying to find my way around