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Blog Artist

tell me about your mother…

I am collecting stories about mothers, exploring the complex subject of maternal relationships. I invite visitors to come and sit in my pseudo-domestic setting, and ‘tell me about your mother…’

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Blog Artist

Re-visualising the landscape & changing urban perceptions

“Landscape is a medium of exchange between the human and the natural, the self and the other. As such, it is like money: good for nothing in itself, but expressive of a potentially limitless reserve of value.” Excerpt from ‘Landscape […]

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Blog Artist

Roses in the Salad

When is the last time you were ‘seized with enthusiasm’? It was dodging the heat on San Giorgio that I stumbled into The Giorgio Cini Foundation and discovered four small books by Bruno Munari. They instantly catapulted my mind from […]

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Blog Artist

Most Serene Republic of Venice

In Venice they do let heaven see the pranks They dare not show their husbands; their best conscience Is not to leave’t undone, but keep’t unknown.   (1) Time freezes, then melts. The medieval warrens barricading against the plundering Goths […]

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Blog Artist

Some thoughts on riding the opening week of Venice Biennale…

Exhibiting at Venice Biennale over ten years ago, we never got to ride the Venice Biennale opening week as a spectator, which is much like a roller-coaster with its highs and lows and seeing everything at breakneck speed, compared to […]

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Blog Artist

beautiful deaths: a-n venice bursary trip

    herman de vries doesn’t believe in hierarchies; why one letter should rank taller than another. his name and everything associated with him is presented in lower case. i will show fidelity to this principle as his work was […]

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Blog Artist

Degree show is just the beginning

Invigilating your own degree show is actually quite terrifying. After months of running about the art college in preparation for degree show and installing, sitting down for a long period time gives you the time to realise that this is just […]

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Blog Artist

Stitch Stories Cas Holmes

I am delighted to announce my third publication ‘Stitch Stories’ (Batsford/Pavilion) will be available in August 2015. I have some fabulous contributors from the UK, Europe, the USA and Australia including artist and political activist Mary Fisher (USA)

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Blog Artist

The modern world

Feeling that I am being left behind by technology and outside of normal activity due to a lack of a mentor and progressive disease.

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Blog Artist

Part Coded and the Bi-Visual

A research and practical investigation into Children’s Victorian Magic Lantern slides and contemporary toy projectors such as ‘projecteo’ instagram projector, including a collaboration with Hull University Chemistry Department to develop processes of manipulating inkjet prints.

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Blog Artist

Liverpool Art Fair 2015 succeeds once again

A central event in the Liverpool art scene, the Fair showcases artwork of around 100 artists. I recently showcased a triptych of works titled ‘Seismic Shift’ in this year’s Liverpool Art Fair 2015.

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Blog Artist

The Fear

A world premiere, brand new work and brand new concept.

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No Words Are Needed - Image (C) Rowan Lear
Blog Artist

No Words Are Needed

An Artist investigates the Critical Moment of the Degree Show

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