The Art of Deception
transforming the experience of being set up by a professional art fraudster
transforming the experience of being set up by a professional art fraudster
I guess this will appear somewhere, whether anyone will read it, I have no idea, but let’s get it out there… I have just started to teach adults in my own self devised classes in South Devon. I love it. […]
Barrie J Davies is an artist. He has been a practicing artist for over ten years has had up to fourteen solo exhibitions and been in over hundred and seven group exhibitions worldwide. In paint he uses a provocative and humourous approach to expose the human condition.
A new meaning to struggling artist……
2014-2015 Bursary Report
Following from my student blog at UCS, graduating was a difficult stage. I graduated 2012 and now only just beginning to be professional…
These are some of my favourite pieces of art work I have created during my art studies.
Members exhibition, I am exhibiting my work Freefloating confinement. Exhibition viewable Thurs – Sun 12 -5pm
– Let’s meet Tuesday week. 4pm? – Wednesday would be better for me. – For me too. – Wednesday 4pm? – Or Monday at 2? He recalled being ten and afraid of not being good enough… At first this collaborative […]
Art does not reproduce the visible; it makes visible.” Paul Klee.
Our world seems to be full of hatred and misunderstanding; full of murder and atrocities. Last week a lot of time was given to the ‘Holocaust’. I would like to pause for thought for those victims, but also for all […]
Another outlet for other words that do not find themselves elsewhere.
Collaboration between Justine Cook and Paul Simpson
http://mappingcollaboration.blogspot.co.uk/. A participatory exhibition that examines creatively working together and explores how our values for collaboration could be visually expressed, incorporated and mapped.
journal of two Residencies:
1 St. John’s Church, St. Leonards on Sea
2 Rock House (Art School) Hastings
Pushing ideas in terracotta
Pushing ideas in terracotta
This is a reconstruction of Michelangelo’s The Pieta. The work challenges people to think differently about art hisotry and popular culture
rethinking about art
I recently completed a distance MA fine art through the Open College of the Arts, which was a long FOUR years, during which much of it was recorded through an electronic blog – the assignments plus all the reflective thinking […]
I’ve just updated my profile and added a collection of my work.
With the demise of HandmakeMe I’ve added Etsy to my list of online shops.
artmaking / placemaking
Words count too. This blog might help me see myself in reflection.
For a few weeks now: a drawing of part of the studio, every morning, to start the working day. Collection of aspects of a small space.
Who I am and what I do.