This is my first Solo show at Paul McPherson Gallery, London. The show is a collection of figurative-abstract works inspired with people, modern commuters that are travelling to work in and around London. The collection will be focusing on people, […]
Documenting my research, through my visual practice, into the relationship between bodies and capital.
Pool Artists come from diverse backgrounds and their chosen art forms are equally varied. They are working to create opportunities to produce, promote and sell their own artwork. Pool Arts aims to educate the public about the positive effects of […]
A heady mix of gumption, foresight and horse sense… this will not be boring. Our preparations for Residency @Locally sourced: Recipes for change in the arts. The SSoCiaL ‘SAUCED’ residency is a partnership between Arts Development UK and a-n The […]
am a artist who happens to be dsabled not a disabled artist. Lost my left leg below knee, also lost tops of my fingers and to add insult to injury have had a hip replacement on the wright leg. very […]
am a artist who happens to be disabled not a disabled artist. Lost my left leg below knee, also lost tops of my fingers and to add insult to injury have had a hip replacement on the wright leg. very […]
For ‘Contemporary Construction 1’ at CADS/Sheffield we will make site specific work that relates to a white and a black room and the inter-connecting courtyard. CC1 is subject to ongoing change, the elements will be exposed to alteration and refiguring. […]
Part 1 was rather rudderless: Part 2: further solitary in ‘The Cooler’ through the summer. My sentance another big floor mosaic.
chimera… 1. a mythical beast. 2. a fancy or dream; an imagining This blog will chart something of the effects on my art practice of a Re:view bursary and an Arts Council Wales Research and Development Grant.
My, Arts Council Funded, residency at Meantime Project Space, Cheltenham starts on Monday 2nd September. I will be photographing women of all ages who live, work or shop in this area of Cheltenham. Six women has signed up so far, […]
August 2013 Walking. Walking in fields. Walking in woods. Walking with a massive sky. Walking with a stretched out landscape.
I have a project that I’ve been trying to get off the ground for a while now. One key aspect of it needs a bit of grappling with in order to take the work further and, this blog is where […]
This year I was awarded an a-n Re:view Bursary for mentoring. This blog will reflect some of the developments, thoughts and discussions that take place during that process.
In recent years we’ve been on a treadmill of commissions without time to reflect and seek new inspiration for works WE’D like to make. This blog charts our progress as we embark on a review of our practice, involving; a […]
No I’m not sick and I do alright as an artist, but I am my strongest critic and I mark myself as ‘must try harder’. So I am.
Added Bright to my name as homage to my Dad who inspired my love of art.This blog is about my journey through the BA and MA. Looking back it’s interesting to see how I keep returning to swimming as a theme. But hopefully with greater depth of understanding each time.
Don’t think too deeply or introspectively…. just paint….just live.
Written off by a primary teacher as ‘Just a little girl with a head full of fairytales’ I have suffered a long journey to finally, proudly and wholeheartly call myself an artist. Now I need to do the work. I […]
Early in 2013 I was awarded an a-n Re:view bursary to pay for mentoring for my art practice. This blog charts the significant stages in the process of undergoing a review of my work with the help of a mentor […]
As an artist and programme and engagement coordinator at Chinese Arts Centre, I am embarking on a research trip to Taiwan. Aim: to source out new connections, artists and partners between Taiwan and UK, looking into alternative programming models and […]
A diary of my development as a “re-emerging” artist.
On this blog Liz aims to share her new ideas, research and works as well as her concerns as a full time practicing artist.
In this blog we will be collecting our thoughts while building, develop and using 3D printers. Working from an open source starting point, we hope to get to grip with this newer technology which over the last few years has […]
I am here to encourage myself to explore what interests me, allowing my reflections to develop.