Creative Conversations
Recognising the value of artists sharing knowledge and information with their peers, I will record conversations with artists and arts organisations. Putting the show out as a podcast. It will create a valuable new archive.
Recognising the value of artists sharing knowledge and information with their peers, I will record conversations with artists and arts organisations. Putting the show out as a podcast. It will create a valuable new archive.
I am an East Coast Canadian currently on sabbatical in Wales completing my MFA at Cardiff School of Art and Design. ‘Gone Postal’ documents my exploration of on-line and material archives and the interplay between virtual and material worlds. A […]
This blog will document my 3 month Asialink Residency, based in China. I hope to further research the impact of globalization on emotional expression in china.
This blog follows and explores my Artist Residency at the Bond in Birmingham. THe residency is for a year and I will be creating a body of work, living and working on site and exhibitng along the way.
Sometimes it’s a desert in there. Spending a lot of time alone in the workshop……… ‘The Cooler King’ doing more time in solitary with no one to affirm or deny the validity of thoughts or actions.
Having recently graduated I am now starting out as a professional artist. I have started this blog to chart my journey as an emerging artist or you could say as a little fish flying into the wind.
Paul Evans discusses ongoing work for the Origin011 project. This blog will act as an online sketchbook and reflective journal for work in progress on a series of ambitious drawing projects that he will be undertaking during 2012.
Interviews with artists Attentive dialogue is real magic. Listen. Speak. Voila.
A public billboard commissioned by Trinity ∴ viewable 24/7. As part of Add To My Library pays tribute to John Latham’s book relief sculpture which penetrates the window fronting Flat Time House. Trinity ∴ 310 Creek Road, Greenwich, London SE10 […]
In 1986, the year before I was born, Hannes Leopoldseder wrote Ten Indications of an Emerging Computer Culture; in this text she highlighted ways in which computers were about to change society. They now have. My work tends to be […]
This blog will look at my life after graduation and I will be telling you all about what i been up to.
Looking at access and engagement issues through an Engage Everyone Residency at Dundee Contemporary Arts. Based in the print room at DCA making work in response to conversations – physical, spatial, forensic from the perspective of an artist with a […]
After realising that it had been such a long time since I had actually drawn anything I foundthat my drawing skills had dwindled somewhat! So I have decided it’s time to learn to draw (again)
So this blog, is just that – my work, reasons behind it and what happens to it…………. while trying to balance it all with having a full time job………..
I’m a visual artist and writer who will be spending the next year studying an MA in Arts Management, Policy & Practice at the University of Manchester. Using my experiences over the next year as a catalyst, the main aim […]
An independent project space in the freedom of the Norfolk countryside. www.queenofhungary.co.uk Artists can use the space to test ideas, experiment with new work, document installations and showcase their practice. The space hosts artist and curator talks and is a […]
On return from a residency in China in July 2011, I have moved from London to Manchester. I am charting how this geographic move affects my career as an artist.
The University of Incidental Knowledge is a collaboration based on a higher education model, incorporating self-directed and peer-to-peer learning, initiated by UK-based artist and curator Alice Bradshaw. Incidental Knowledge is acquired by chance; through the process of doing something else […]
I am the first artist to be granted a Street Trading Licence in my home town and this blog will record my progress.
I’m going to try and sustain a blog over the whole course of a project… for the third time! Invisible City is an event taking place in Schiedam, NL 2-4 September 2011 and i’m involved. Claire Weetman, Invisible City- New […]
This blog will cover 5 days of the third week of the current strand of the Head & Whole project, taking place at Abbey Walk Gallery in Grimsby. It will take the form of informal musings regarding the content and […]
I’m just busking.
I won the Oval House prize for my degree show performance ‘cartrouble’ this summer as i completed my degree at Chelsea. It came as a shock and I was rather overwhelmed by the news, as the day of the private […]
This blog is about charting the before and after of new project ideas as they take shape; investigating and reflecting on projects as they develop. A process that often happens silently and goes untold.
This summer I am documenting the ‘Working Title’ Exhitbition at aspex gallery, Portsmouth. Gallery 1 is transformed into a workshop and exhibition space, where artists and visitors transform unwanted and broken household objects into new amalgamations.