Rising from the Ashes
The last year, since closing my last blog, has been pretty challenging. Now creative work is moving forwards again, I have a few things to write about, and I’ve been having lots of fun with fire …
The last year, since closing my last blog, has been pretty challenging. Now creative work is moving forwards again, I have a few things to write about, and I’ve been having lots of fun with fire …
An account of my preparation for and participation in Artisterium 4, the international contemporary fine art event in Tbilisi, Georgia, November 2011.
My work explores layering through the medium of history. An aspect of my work is the presentation of self in everyday life. My practice is located in 19o4, this blog includes sketched thoughts and reflections, aspects of research and can […]
Using this space as a notebook of ideas around archives, records and power
This project is on hold or closed, as I am focusing on my Un-fictions Snapshot etc blog. This site-specific work explores image making using conflicting and specific mark making and processes. the project focus is the Minories Art Gallery in […]
So what happens after graduating? How do you go about making work, being an artist, getting money, finding jobs/houses/generally how do you survive? This blog is a journey documenting my life and work as a graduate.
Documenting the installation of my installation for the 2011 MA Degree Show at the Birmingham School of Art. www.michaelbold.com [email protected]
In conversation…Working collaboratively both as an artist, artist-in-residence in a school and as project manager of a touring exhibition.
Artists Steffan Jones-Hughes and Jeanette Orrell are working towards the Christmas exhibition at Oriel Myrddin, in Carmarthen. THe exhibition is called Coedwig, which is Welsh for wood or forest. It’s a mixed show which will open on 5 November 2011. […]
I am an emerging freelance art writer, working on growing my business. This blog is my attempt to be 100% truthful about getting work, getting paid, time, marketing & networking, dispelling the myths around creative portfolio careers.
Curator Helen Kaplinsky is undertaking a residency from the 4th July – 10th August at 501 Art Centre, Chongqing, China. She has commissioned London-&-Berlin-based artist-&-DJ collective psychoanalYSL to produce new work for the exhibition. This blog documents Helen’s research, alongside […]
Satellite is Dominic Allan, Jo Chapman, Polly Cruse, Olga Jurgenson, Nicola Naismith, Kate Parrott, Dominique Rey. Contact Satellite: [email protected]
Loose ends of a Live Art Residency at the Chisenhale Gallery
Cooper Summer Residency is a space for artists to reflect upon and experiment with new ideas and strategies that will extend their practice. The residency is based on a desire to investigate the means and potential of working in an […]
New Projects
The increasingly intense exploration of drawing, and the threads between words, sounds, music, lines…
I start a residency at the Millennium Centre in Leasowe, Wirral on Friday 10 June. This blog is about the ups and downs of being there.
Whilst at university i shied away from my figurative clay work, as you are encouraged to be more radical, different and ‘contemporary’. How ironic that now I’m returning to claywork I find myself being the one breaking the mould.
A site reponsive residency on the first floor of Highbridge studios and gallery, Newcastle upon Tyne. Part of a research project investigating installation and performance.
the snee snaw is an audio kinetic artwork that takes place in a non traditional art space and encourages players to work together to find the elusive sneeze condition. the project is funded by the arts council through the grants […]
I have been commissioned as Photographer in Residence for NHS Barking and Dagenham. I am spending the next 10 months exploring the pregnancy, birth and breastfeeding experience.
I am starting to realise I am an artist even when I am not in my studio
Ceangal is a collaborative project between Lynn Bennett-Mackenzie (Scotland) & Somu Desai (india) to use social networking to create a series of residencies which will bring national & international artists to the Highlands of Scotland where they will create original […]
A site project taking inspiration from Blackpool Pier & beach. Using childhood memories and personal albums to create a series of works that reflect on a personal history and nostalgia.
Thoughts, workings and playings.