Wardrobe diaries
The wardrobe was my grandmother’s. It was the starting point to a series of work, inhabiting spaces.
The wardrobe was my grandmother’s. It was the starting point to a series of work, inhabiting spaces.
Blog to document my ongoing research into the transformation of the mundane and revealing areas of unconciously collaborative activity. as part of my MA Fine Art site and aarchive course at UCLAN.
My desire to develop and liberate my jewellery practice from small scale industrial craft production inspired me to start a reflective personal project to create new work. A result of this reflection is that I’ve begun to research part time […]
From June to July 2011, I will undertake a residency at 501 Artspace, Chongqing, China, in association with the CAC in Manchester http://blog.chinese-arts-centre.org/, and funded by the Arts Council England. During the residency, I will research into digital and physical […]
a month long residency responding to the location & history of Gdansk shipyard. Based at WYSPA institute of art links http://postindustrialrevolution.eu/web/ http://www.postindustrialrevolution.blogspot.com /http://www.wyspa.art.pl/
“We began at the surface in order to get to the bottom of each other’s work, and by eventually using the prospective ‘exhibition’, in all its formalities and deconstructed environs, we would then begin to understand how our artwork relates […]
I want to use this blog to draw and write as I would in my sketchbook. I am fascinated by the “In/Out” nature of blogging: my internal thoughts and activities as an artist, usually confined to my notebooks, can be […]
This blog is to record the progress of setting up our first Art Trail in the lovely town of Belper, Derbyshire. For our first year, we aim to put 10 artists into 10 venues. The trail will take place in […]
A record of my two-year residency at Lime, an arts and health organisation. The residency gives me and three other artists free studio space and access to equipment and resources, in exchange for working for Lime one day a month.
Ten studio days over the next couple of months to find a rhythm. Daily exercises as a discipline and as a structure to build on. Time to experiment.
Being a recepient of a Grants for the Arts, I would like to share my thoughts as the project develops over the course of one year. ” A thousand Sheep” project includes a residency at River Bourne Community Farm, in […]
We are thrilled to have received a NAN futuristic Bursary to visit the North Wales Potters’ smokeless wood-fired kiln in Wales. We are hoping to build a similar kiln in Sheffield in a smokefree zone – we believe that we […]
Blogging the research and development of COPY, a Yorkshire based network and platform for critical/experimental/art writing, supported by the NAN Go and See Bursary scheme. http://www.copy-pages.org
This Blog will chart the activities of Sam West as we research and develop sustainable artist-led activity in the UK and beyond. Sam West has just received a NAN Futurific! Bursary : which will help us to further develop artist […]
Yan Preston will be in China for a research and development trip for her project that explores the Yangtze River and the current urbanisation process in China in April and May 2011. For one month she will live next to […]
As an artist with 25 years experience I have recently embarked on an MA in Digital Media Arts. The course combines different kinds of programming, practical projects and research into art and visual culture theory plus new digital technology theory. […]
In March 2011 Coachwerks in Brighton was awarded the NAN Futurific! Bursary to refurbish a building on their site into a residency space for artists and writers. This blog follows the development of this project.
A blog about a collaborative project with my mother Catherine, for an exhibition on illness and photography for the ‘Fotomanias’ photography festival in Malaga, opening next week. The blog will document my/our reflections and experiences of the project so far,the […]
A blog to accompany a project in Dufftown, Banffshire by visual artist Janie Nicoll, in collaboration with poet Ken Cockburn and the children of Mortlach Primary School.
In the north (subarctic), for 10 months of the year, in a fly-in community, teaching grade school classes. The internet connection is a line to the outside. This blog will be a place to record, visually and textually, the paintings […]
I intend to use this blog to document my work in and out of the studio.
Home is where the heART is. A blog reflecting on creating space at home to work and making work that leaves home.
fail to plan you plan to fail www.sophiecullinan.org
You start your Masters programme, and immediately you are confronted with the Learning Agreement – a form of contract where you are suppose to map out your academic year using informed assumptions based on the foundations of what your practice […]
Blue Monkey Network is an artists’ organisation run by artists for artists. Organiser Judith Alder, runs the Network in partnership with Eastbourne’s Towner gallery, who invited Blue Monkey to establish the Network in 2011. Since then the group has held […]