The Pigeon
Pigeons are a kind of disruptive anomaly amongst the order of the city, and yet they usurp the order whilst being a part of it. Surely the best means of rebellion/subversion; become a part of the system you aim to […]
Pigeons are a kind of disruptive anomaly amongst the order of the city, and yet they usurp the order whilst being a part of it. Surely the best means of rebellion/subversion; become a part of the system you aim to […]
A collection of my works, and texts to inform
What happens when siblings who get on really well in general but argue (let’s be frank here) frequently about art decide to confront their differences for a joint exhibition? Through a process in which my sister and I make work […]
Some of my projects are months in the making. Some just launch without thought. My recent Twitter project (#ADailySelfReflection -a self-portrait every day) is certainly a case of jumping before looking, but I am following instinct as a means to […]
“The Hot Chestnut Man sees Paul Conneally running a Hot Chestnut stall outside The Institute of Ideas’ “BATTLE OF IDEAS” which will be held at The Royal College Of Art on the 30th and 31st of October 2010″
This blog will follow the performance project The Customer Is Always Wrong, from planning it in the UK, making and showing it in China and then adapting and presenting it in Europe.
A Graduate fellowship in Paper at Northumbria University…A place to bookmark my experiences, musings, trials and errors.
after finishing university this summer, i chose a risky move to a city little known to me. the adventure and fresh challenge has forced me to contemplate location and habitat whilst searching for my place within the art world as […]
This blog will document my own experiences throughout a 20-day new media art residency in the grounds of Writtle College (Essex). Working alongside CADE (Centre for the Arts and Design in the Environment.), plant scientists and students.The work is funded […]
My hope is that this blog will document and aid the development of a body of work that responds to the experience of living and working on the fringes of the Olympic site. The blog and the work will be […]
After a difficult year with many hurdles i hope to be able to pull myself out of a creative rut. I realise this won’t happen instantly but I hope it happens soon. This blog will act as my creative journal […]
A personal view of working and exhibiting in the 6th Liverpool Independents Biennial
Sound Circle is the first stage of an interactive illuminated night-time labyrinth, planned for 2011. 60 illuminated ‘tree totems’ will be created by children from the Forest Schools project in Corby, Northants and installed at the end of October 2010 […]
A mobile exhibition wanders around a city late at night. A news photographer captures the event.
i won an a-n bursary to make a film in response to the john moores painting prize
This is the real world. I’ve left Uni and now I have to fend for myself, in a world that has changed a lot in a couple of months. I find myself living in a new town surrounded by less […]
As I settle back into life in a small semi-rural village, light years from the notion of contemporary art, I intend to examine and record, how I fare as an artist in the real world despite being penniless, unemployed and […]
I read either in “research” mode, i.e. in pursuit of a line of enquiry, a specific question, a hunch about something, or I just happen to read something or I just read as part of more general enquiry.
Tomorrow, Monday 30 August I am going to Berlin to start my residency at HomeBase V project. During my residency I hope to keep this blog up to date with my progress there.
I am an artist working in Narberth, Pembrokeshire. I have an exhibition at the Queens Hall, Narberth in March 2011. Approximately 6 months away I plan to document the preparatory work on this blog. Dr J Beau & Mr H […]
From where we sit, stand, walk, live, we Dwell. We also think, cogitate, ponder and…Dwell. As W.H Davie’s said ‘what is this life, if full of care, we have no time to stand and stare?’. I intend to use my […]
A recent awardee of Arts Council England’s Grants For The Arts program, I am participating in a 2 month residency investigating post-colonialism and the uncanny body in Saint Louis, Senegal. With additional support from WAAW Centre for Art, this blog […]
I want to explore what it means to be, and to identify as, an artist.
Add To My LibraryVol.II created by an innovative systematic methodology, Bibliographic Data Flow selected by international contributors from the artworld produces an infinite idiosyncratic institution.Within the globalised digitisation,e-learning and anti-education, ATML is designed to redraw the cultural institution provoking changes […]
The Heuristics Laboratory is Pete McPartlan, Ruth Scott and Georgie Park. We were commissioned by Sideshow (the Nottingham Fringe to the British Art Show) to present our first project: a 3 week exhibition this winter in a space in NTU. […]