I am going to be one of three performance artists in residence at South Hill Park, Bracknell from September 21st to October 17th. I will not find out my personal Rules and Regulations until the first day and then making […]
blog, diary, therapy, barometer, self crit….as I start a six month course looking to refocus my practice five years out from my BA……. www.frannyswann.com
A single large format photograph of a group of postal workers thanking members of a knitting circle for their gift of a homemade cosy for their local post box. A gesture of solidarity to celebrate the hidden industry of those […]
A move to York as an artist in residence… a year surrounded by children, away from my London life.
Tough old bird, Crow! She’s sassy, a trickster, a laugh, a croaking shadow on a wall. She’s leading me on a merry dance. But one day (soon) she’ll fly…
Recently my partner took me on a tour of the inside of a derelict mill on a site which we (Lancaster Co-Housing Company) have bought. I decided to make an installation based on the contrast between orderly systems and creative […]
26.9 – 4.10 09 Catalyst Arts presents FIX09, the 8th Belfast Biennale of live art. This year features music, singing, travelling cinemas, sea-searchers, drawing, westerns and much, much more. In addition to a panoply of performances and interventions, Fix09 also […]
The aim of this new blog (my 2nd here on Artists Talking) is to document the next 12 months, during which I will be painting to some purpose. To what purpose? I’m not yet sure, lets just see how my […]
This blog will document my reactions and processes as i travel to Finland for 2 weeks to participate in Riihimaki’s first Ars Hame (Art Week). The programme is focused on the changing image of a town and i will be […]
I have been staying at the home of friends who live in France where I have been inspired to create silkscreen and monoprints prints using Lichen found on the oak trees.
A 7-month research and development project, supported by the National Lottery through Arts Council England, East. This project will include visits to national and regional events to help contextualise my practice. I intend to write a review of each event […]
my first steps after graduating
Documenting the activities of the Lincoln Art Programme. commissioning live art events and projects in the city.
This is about my attempts to make things happen after completing an MA in Fine Art. What do you do after such an intense period of focus and research?
The museum of lost objects. www.annabeldover.com
Liverpool Carters (the last men to have worked with the teams of dock horses) needed an expert equine sculptor Judy Boyt was the obvious choice. Her Liverpool brief was to design and sculpt a life size statue to commemorate the […]
Pretty Vacant is a project being run by myself and a friend. We organise exhibitions of student and graduate work in empty public spaces. for more info please visit www.prettyvacant.org Follow our story as we embark on our second project…
Following on from my Degrees Unedited blog. I have now graduated and am embarking upon an MA. Am I still classed as a student as I’m still studying or a ‘Real” artist now that I am a Post Graduate? This […]
I shall be doing a residency at Château de Sacy in France for one month. This will culminate in an exhibition in September as well as an extended project in October. This is my first art residency yet i hope […]
I will be keeping this blog throughout my residency, looking at Froebel’s theories – his gifts and occupations and my time of residency at Froebel College.
Originally this blog recorded my progress as I worked towards my exhibition, Wanderings, at Quay Arts, Isle of Wight in June 2010. My blogging stopped as the exhibition went up, and I moved rapidly on to the all-consuming final weeks […]
The Chameleon project is built over ten prototypes (2008-2010) with a cross disciplinary group of an artist, social neuroscientist, emotion neuroscientist, affective computer scientists, technologists, human computer interaction scientists and a curator. The project investigates the scientific foundations of emotional […]
‘We drove down to the coast today. Mrs d’Alaska’s mum said we should boil the water before we went swimming.’ Colin d’Alaska, his family and friends, are a (kind of) living artwork, allowing me to investigate new methods of communicating […]