This course it was a fantastic journey trough the World of art, it was good to improve my skills and conduct me to the right field in the art World, in the beginning I had perhaps a little bit problems to reach the right subject to my course. From the drawing sessions, where it was good to see in which direction I could improve my way of drawings, used for my artwork even in the way I used to prepare the creation of one sculpture for example. Before this course, I used to make the research about art, but never in the way I start to do because of the demanding of the course. I have to be honest, but if there are artists could influence me, yes there are a few, especially. Cornelia Parker, Joseph Beuys, David Nash, David Smith, Christian Boltanski, Andy Goldsworthy and much more. It could be said that I have a particularly way of work, yes, maybe my work is conditionated by my emotions and feelings day by day. I mean that because, I think it is the better way to get inspiration. From now I will be doing artwork more directed to the printmaking and sculptures working with the physical elements and as well organic. Also, I can not forget that the dissertation I had done, it was the biggest challenge in my life.
But in the end of all there are only a few words to say. It was a fantastic Journey into the World of art.