I next decided to experiment with my empty contact lenscases. I hadn’t really done much with them since I began collecting them due to the fact of not knowing what to do with them. However I think my problem was the fact of not actually trying things out and being experimental. Obviously some ideas are going to be better than others I just need to experiment with them to work out what does and doesn’t work. I decided to scatter all the contact lense cases in the cabinet similar to what I did with my actual lenses. This gave the appearance of a lot of cases but didn’t really work as a whole I felt, it just looked ‘too messy.’ Therefore I decided to take a more organised approach like many artists have done with regimental style ordering such as Hirst.
I decided that on each shelf I would place the contact cases a similar distance apart and do this on every row on each shelf. This I felt gave a more aesthetically pleasing arrangement due to the systematic approach taken creating pattern throughout the cabinet. I think the contrast between the black cases and the white cabinet really works well, especially with the reflections in the mirror making the cabinet appear larger inside. This is similar to Josiah McElheny’s work with his use of mirrors and glass objects to create this spacious appearance. Even creating the illusion of a larger collection than there actually is.