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I decided to incorporate hair with my make-up wipes to see how these two collections work merged together. I found with the wipes and receipts it worked really well on the umbrella so decided to try it with hair.

Again like with the net curtain, I tried to sew with my hair as my intial plan was to sew through the wipe with my hair but again I found difficulty in tieing the hair. It was also hard to see so I tried doubling up the hair but this was so fiddley it just frustrated me.

Therefore I used the same method as I did with the curtain and used white cotton to hold it in place.

I like how simple it is but also quite effective I feel by merging two parts of my collections together as one it links them together and creates quite an abject piece by the way in which the wipes interact with the hair and the a lot of the hair appears to be escaping from the boundaries of the thread.