I have covered my arm chair now in a super king size flat sheet. It took a while to work out how to do it and still now I am not really sure I tackled it in the right way. Perhaps it would have been better if I had cut the material into sections and do each chair part separately? However I decided to use the sheet as one whole piece; staple it around the edges and tuck in and staple where the chair changed shape.
The arms ended up being frilly from where I had attached the sheet around the edges. So I decided to add some stitches in to make it look a bit neater. At them moment I am going to leave it like this until I find either a better way to sort the arms out or to enhance the arms so they look better. I decided to cover the seat in a separate piece of material just so when the viewer sits down it wouldn’t tear. I am hoping to sort out this chair completely soon so I can get on with entwinning the hair.