I researched into the history of ‘Swan Vesta’, and found that the origins of the company produced the first striking matches in Britain.
I realised that the two traditional colours of ‘Swan Vesta’ where originally red and yellow……..
This was easily rectified, but I decided it might be more effective to keep the green as a stripe around the back of the swan, I felt this would have a strong nostalgic feel to it, but also made more contemporary, and giving it a strong influence of ‘Pop Art’.
This is the next stage I took once I had finished the background. I decided that instead of having spaces in-between each filter, which did give it a more feathered and realistic look.
I decided that I wanted it to look more solid and condensed.
This I felt would give the work a stronger, and more synthetic feel.
So I started gluing each filter tip to the canvas. Once I had finished the neck of the swan, I new that this, although a tedious process, was the look I wanted.