Now the dissertation is is behind me….I have been wondering which direction to go with my paintings. I have been looking at more and more portrait artists and although there is a temptation to stay within this field as I do enjoy painting ‘faces’, I have become aware that I am feeling more inspired to paint more than a ‘face’. An artist I have been looking at is Donald Vogel. I find his paintings beautiful and touching. What is interesting about this is that although he paints people…they are without hardly any detail and set in domestic scenes. This is a far cry from how I paint. However, I hope some of his influence will allow me to develop a less representative attitude towards my own work. I want to have some composition in my paintings. I intend to include people still, but people in relation to where they are and what they are doing. I also recently visited the Fitzwilliam Museum in Cambridge and fell in love with a painting by Harold Gilman called ‘Nude on a Bed’. Other artists I have been inspired by recently are self portraits by Dame Ethel Walker and Elizabeth Blackadder.