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‘Art is your human right’ – a bold statement…

This statement (the title of Bob and Roberta Smith’s 2015 show) – assuming we agree – begs another question: why is it that more of us adults don’t engage in regular art activities or creative practice as a way of expressing our unique selves?

ArtLink’s Square Peg project focus group have been looking at ways to enable all sections of the community to have access to quality arts opportunities, and as part of the Underlined project I’ve been privileged to work together with Rachel, Adam & Kath to facilitate the first of two art-based workshops for the Memory Café (part of Alzheimer’s Society East Riding and Yorkshire).

Engaging with the art workshop, people shared tories of cars stuck in floods, cats that came and never left, and bats that hung around the office worrying away the working day, weaving a rich narrative around the visual interplay of collaging Matisse-style cut-outs, and negotiating compositional flow. A thoroughly enjoyable session.