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A piece I produced responding to the 1st underlined community arts project workshop:

Vibrant, lively, fragmented at times, but finding connections in unexpected ways..


Over the past weeks, I have been reflecting on my own experience of facilitating the first underlined project workshop with a Dementia Café (part of Alzheimers East Ridings of Yorkshire), and on my interactions with the participants. We focused on the cut-outs of Matisse from which, as a group, we produced a wonderful collage. This formed the basis for this photomontage, where slight gaps in recall are surrounded by lively forms, colours and connections that weave a surprising new narrative. I wanted to reflect the sense in this work that each part in the piece matters, each contribution counts, and, like the interactions I sensed during the workshop, collectively adds to a bigger story where strengths and abilities coalesce in an environment of openness and acceptance.


the original cut-out based collage produced during the workshop: