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[Jessie Davies, untitled, (2017)]


The next underlined project workshop will explore a sense of ‘place’. I’ve recently been investigating collage and mixed media in my own practice, and I’m busy preparing collage materials and resources for the forthcoming underlined workshop. Why? Because there is something about collage that breaks down barriers, and brings to light unexpected juxtapositions, connections and flow… But perhaps it also goes deeper… so here’s my five thoughts on why collage?

1. Collaging found materials can ‘ground’ the work in the ‘real world’ – the tangible ephemera of our normal lives, it’s about being in the moment… right here, right now…

[Antonio Ole,  Township Wall no.664, (2004)]


2. Collaging brings together disparate elements to bring unexpected connections… provoking thought… making us look again at things we take for granted, or see as unimportant…

[Kurt Schwitters, Merz Gernfleck, (1920)]


3.  Collage breaks down barriers between ‘high’ art and everyday life…

[Robert Rauschenburg, Untitled, (1984)]


4. historically, collage has been used to challenge ideology, hegemony and prejudice…

[Hannah Hoch, Lustige Person, (1932) (translated New Woman)]


5. ..and simply to celebrate an exploration of form.. for the joy of making, being and viewing…

[Henri Matisse, The Lagoon, (1947)]