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Funding meant a large supply of elastic so the first job was to install plenty in the studio space. The first workshop brought in a dancer and aimed to give her time to experiment with movement, testing speed and weight bearing. Some of the work was purely abstract, where the dancer set herself tasks in order to move through the web in different ways.

We noted the ambiguity of the space – although very small in the films the space looks larger and it is difficult to read the perspective and the margins of the space. Strange things happen to the scale of people as they move back and forth in the space.

As we had found before, the sound of the elastic is intriguing and surprisingly varied.

As we tried different ideas and filmed work in progress we discussed the potential outcomes for the work and the possible contexts for exhibition or performance.

The introduction of the chair made reference back to Tea Break and introduced an element of humour.

We were conscious of the drawing made by the elastic, how this shifted with movement and then the introduction of objects such as the aluminium ladder.

The workshop set us questions to consider in the next: how would the movement change if the elastic was less taut? should we try and film with two cameras in different places? should different films emerging from this process stand alone or become a sequential ongoing series of incidents? in an installation would it just be film projection or also elastic? would viewers have to negotiate an elastic web? how could incidents unfold in a real domestic space?