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We started the workshop by reviewing the work recorded from Workshop 1. There were 32 items of footage which gave us plenty of material to discuss and to inform what we focused on over those two days. We loosely grouped different trial movement and ideas into four broad categories which have the potential to be realised in different types of work:

– different contexts for a tea break so we work towards a series of cameos or situations
– a surround installation where the audience would be surrounded by projected films of different people moving in the elastic, maybe moving from film to film
– two figures in the space so that changes in scale and the different personalities of movement set off against each other. Sometimes the figure far from the camera and sometimes very close so that only small sections of the body are recorded
– using movement in the elastic to develop a choreographed work, taking it away from the elastic

The aim in the following two days was to work down into the various ideas more deeply and thoroughly, reviewing recorded work at regular intervals, having installed a great deal more elastic.

The dancer, Hannah Kidd, was more familiar with the space and the challenges of moving in the elastic.

Darren and Hannah worked together in the space moving towards and away from the camera and varying the speed of movement.

Darren pursued the idea of working in the space, mending or DIY, by taking in a ladder again but setting himself the task of setting up an electric drill.

Each of us chose music on our iPod and attempted to dance energetically to it.