In the first week of my resideny the Union 105 Salon show is coming to an end and I go to the gallery for a peer to peer discussion about some of the artists’ work. The Salon show was brilliant, with interesting artwork, curated nicely and having a salon was a brilliant way of getting lots of local artists and residents tyo come into the space. So I was happy to meet some of the artists and here about their work at this informal group crit.
As well as the artists’ work, we discuss education and what an art education gives you aor doesn’t and whether it’s important in being an artist. The consensus is that going to art school isn’t the most important thing – making good art is. However, I can’t help noticing that the many self taught artists I have met in the area so far some how feel apart from the art world that I know and feel obliged to keep bringing up the fact that they didn’t study art, as if this makes their opinions and artwork less valid, which it does not.