Well l seem to have a small following on YouTube so have made a snippet on there as baby me, the starty of my journy so to speak. I do hope to make more movies as l progress on with this degree show.
Found this artist Ergin Cavusoglu with multi-screen video installation with an array of screens designed to allow the viewer to ‘walk into the picture created Point of Departure, 2005.
This concept is something l would like to try with my own Installation, will take a bit of working out but am sure l can create something that will bring my life to life so to speak for the viewer.
This vidio shows me doing every day things like makeing a drink, opening tins which l do struggle with but untill l filmed it made me realinse this.
This is me trying to pick up nails someting l have problems with.
This film shows me trying to use buttons, something l struggle with sometimes.