Following a slightly heated (and somewhat awkward) discussion on the subject of blogging yesterday, I made the decision to start my own one to see what it’s all about- can my work benefit from writing a blog?

The debate happened between two tutors and a number of students during a seminar yesterday; one side of the argument was in favour of blogging, saying that it’s a useful porthole or communicative tool with which one can express ideas and get feedback. The other opinion stated that blogs are nothing more than a ‘ticked box’ with regards to the Uni grading system, and that it is egotistical to presume others want to read about your daily activities, thoughts and personal opinions.

At this point in time I am unbiased. I started a written work diary a few months ago but unfortunately wasn’t as committed to it as I could have been. I am hoping that this more official method of noting down ideas and thoughts will prompt me to be more systematic in my approach, and in turn allow my work to consistently develop and progress….