C215, a French artist who deals with stencils is another artist who I love. I have found his work really clever with how the stencils have been made. Compared to other artists I have mentioned such as Snik, this artist uses the bridges of the stencil in his work. The bridges are the card that is there to connect different parts of the stencil together. Rather than trying to get rid of these ridges he has Incorporated them, which add a different element to his work.

from a book I own called ‘Graffiti’ by ‘Jay “J.son” Edlin. There is a paragraph about C215 which states:

‘C215 is quoted as saying “I don’t think like is funny. so when I go paint on the street, I don’t want to joke.” That spirit is embodied in his melancholy works. He claims to paint “Mostly homeless people, refugees, street kids . . . people who really belong to the streets.” calling his work “contextual art,” he intends to draw attention to the darkness of life for people living on the streets. Although C215 doesn’t reveal whether he himself was ever homeless, his work leaves the viewerr wondering what it was that made this particular subject so close to his heart.

(Harvard Ref) –

Edin, J. (2011) Graffiti. China:Abrams.


Douglas Gordon is an artist which I have looked at last year, but still enjoy his art today. This is especially with his pieces which involve old photographs. These are the ‘self portrait of you + me’ pieces where he has burnt out the eyes and mouths from the photographs.

As you can see in the first two images here, he has just changed the eyes. This has changed the photograph completely, taking away any identity away from the person who is photographed, they are no longer recognisable.

However my main interest is in the third image shown here, the one where there is two people with burnt out eyes and mouths. This has completely changed the image, making it look demonic and have an eerie feel to it. He has taken an image of two children and drastically altered it, something which also interested me with the Chapman brothers, only this is used with a real photograph instead of a series of etchings. The Chapman brothers had used clowns and brought humour to the image, while this has taken an innocent photograph and changed it into something which makes the children turn into monsters.


The idea for the praxinoscope:

This idea has come to a failure. This is due to not being able to cut the mirror into exact small enough pieces, without having to see a specialist company. I will have to change to plan to make it a zoetrope instead, due to not having enough time as I have other things which I need to make and finish before the show along side this.

This means that all I have to do next is make 24 stills and place them onto card which will go around the outside. I will also have to add slits twice the size of the image above each still. When this is all added, I will make a wire hanger which you will be able to hang the lanterns off in order to see the inside of the zoetrope. This will then allow the viewer to see the piece, with the lanterns still being needed to do this with.

It is a bit of a disappointment to change the design last minute, but I have done this to allow me time to finish and get ready for the show in time. If I were to overcome this mirror problem, then there is still a possibility that I will encounter another problem, wasting a lot of value able time which can be used to make something else like a canvas or even some more angel dolls.


so today i attempted to add some more to the praxinoscope frame. with regards to the outter circle, i took away the height of it and now just have the top and the bottom circles, i will change the height that it was later on after finishing the middle section.

i have brought a mirror, and decided i would cut this up to the right sizes to make the praxinoscope mirror section in the middle. when i measured this out i worked out how big each section would be with 24 frames, this would work out as only 2cm per section of mirror. instead i am now going with 12 frames in my sequence, this will mean that the image will not be so small and skinny as if i were to make it with 24 frames.

i have researched and found out the formula for figuring out how big each frame will have to be, this is ((2*pi*radious)/No. of frames which is 12). with this equation all the frames should work out to be the exactly the same for a smoother animation.


I have done an experiment, making a smaller and simpler version of the praxinascope, with only testing out how the lens works with an image.

With this I have simply used my mobile phone, a shoebox and a lens, the mobile phone being attached to the phone to adjust the distance the phone is from the lens. By adjusting this I could then focus the image, and also make it smaller or larger.

Attached I have put photos up which show the box and the lens. It also shows that the phone is flipped upside down with regards to the image which is showing, this is because when the image hits the lens, the image is flipped and turned the other way. This means that when I make the praxinoscope, I will have to remember to put the image in upside down, otherwise it will not come out the right way.. knowing from previous experiences, this is something that will probably happen even though I have thought about it before, I tend to forget the important things as I am in the moment of making it.

The Image that I projected onto the wall ended up being about 5 times larger than the phone screen, the light from the phone was strong enough to get an image on the wall, however not strong enough to photograph it. This is why I will need to buy light bulbs to use as it is a stronger light which I can plug in at the same time.