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Alex cherry, the other artist mentioned from the previous post, is slightly different from the Hidden Moves artist, with not having as much block colour but having thinner lines with more detail, but less layers of colour involved in the work. This is shown for example in ‘Trash1’ which is just one layer of colour, with a gradient near the bottom. I like this image despite it being one layer due to the detail which is there. The lips on the face is something which I like, I personally think this is done really well. The same goes for ‘Remorse is for the dead, where the level of detail in the face is something that attracts my attention, even if the hands are abit basic in comparrison.

War Pigs is my favourite out of his works, I think is because of the content involving war and the animals which have been used to add humour and make it less serious. The use of the colour under the pigs is something which I enjoy to see as well, it has added to the imge rather than just having the block grey colours, which would have made the image darker and have a different feel to it.

http://www.eyesonwalls.com/ Is the site where I have seen these artists, and the same style which i have always been attracted to, the style of art which inspires me even if I dont use the same style in my own work.