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I have done an experiment, making a smaller and simpler version of the praxinascope, with only testing out how the lens works with an image.

With this I have simply used my mobile phone, a shoebox and a lens, the mobile phone being attached to the phone to adjust the distance the phone is from the lens. By adjusting this I could then focus the image, and also make it smaller or larger.

Attached I have put photos up which show the box and the lens. It also shows that the phone is flipped upside down with regards to the image which is showing, this is because when the image hits the lens, the image is flipped and turned the other way. This means that when I make the praxinoscope, I will have to remember to put the image in upside down, otherwise it will not come out the right way.. knowing from previous experiences, this is something that will probably happen even though I have thought about it before, I tend to forget the important things as I am in the moment of making it.

The Image that I projected onto the wall ended up being about 5 times larger than the phone screen, the light from the phone was strong enough to get an image on the wall, however not strong enough to photograph it. This is why I will need to buy light bulbs to use as it is a stronger light which I can plug in at the same time.