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The ‘humans’

Basically, with the angel dolls, I have made other dolls, which will not be covered in the bible. These will be the people who are being hunted by each angel and who may have limbs missing, be begging for mercy or even praying.

I have not sanded these down to make them completely smooth, the reasoning behind this is that the angels are hunting down the sinners, the people who are seen to them as being imperfect. Unlike the angels who will be smooth, these people has imperfections, which is the reason that they are being targeted in the first place.

I have included top images here, the first image being of a person who is praying for forgiveness. They have been hunted by an angel, which I will then place an angel behind this person, as they appear to be praying to god for forgiveness.

The second image is of a person who sat leaning against the wall, this person has had his lower arm cut off, showing the torture which has started already.

If i were to make these again, I would aim to make the figures stronger and less fragile as at the moment they are very fragile and break easily. Even walking up the stairs a slight tap caused one of the heads to fall off, this was a head I had already removed and attempted to stick back on at a different angle however….