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So the degree show is near!

I would’ve posted something sooner but clearing the spaces out has taken up a lot of my time. (That’s what I get for choosing a space which belonged to two painters)

I’ve been developing my idea of a changing room and I’m hoping to replicate something of like for the show. As well show/collage/project my photographic works.

I think writing this blog has definitely been useful as I’m always blogging about my hobbies on other websites. To blog about art and my work appeals to me so I’ll probably continue doing something to this once the course is over. The odd comment or two has really helped me think about my work in different ways and I like to interact with people in a way where I don’t have to necessarily leave the house. (Just kidding). In my head I want to travel and do things so I see the internet as a worldwide platform where I can do this.

Back to work

For the show I’m aiming to show a video (still in the process of finishing it). I’ve been working on creating the perfect woman, a perfect version of myself, so that’s my idea in regards to this theme.

These images along the sides are my first experimentations with creating this woman.