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i originally looked at SHOCK ART; “contemporary art, using disturbing imagery, sounds or scents to create a shocking experience.” “encroachment on the taboo.”

Duchamps “fountain” was orginally considered shock art as it was different, pushed the boundaries, pushed against the taboo.now it probably wouldnt be considered shock art becasue art has changed, and so it would be considered not shocking at all in current times.

To create shock Art now, artists need to push those boundaries harder and further in order to shock. This is where i found myself questioning is it worth pushing it that far? when is it too far?

Contemporary Shock Artists …

ZHU YU, In Chinese performance artist was said to have created a piece entitled “eating people” 2003 where he is pictured eating a still born baby. He stated later that “No religion forbids canibalism, nor can i find any law which prevents us from eating people. I took advantage of the space between morality and the law and based my work on it” (bbcnews.co.uk/1/entertainment.baby-eating/art/show)

IRA ISAACS…. responsible for the infamous “2 girls 1 cup ” sees himself as as an artists not a pornography producer necessarily. within his films he uses sexual fetishes often involving feces ( known as scat), but also uses non human animals in bestiality,which in many countries is illegal. This is where i first came across animals used in shock art. He states ” I try to deconstruct the taboos, push through the boundaries.” ( www.youtube/xbizinterview) Ira Isaacs ended up with 4 years in jail due to his films as American court said that his work went against the first amendment , and unlawful obscenity.

Adel Abdessemed, born 1971 created probably one of the most shocking pieces of film I have ever come across. Its questionably immoral and highly disturbing called “Dont trust me ” 2007. The film shows 6 different animals including a horse, goat, and cow being bludgeoned to death with a sledghammer. HI defence againsts cruelty to animals was that the animals would have been killed for cumsumption anyway.

This films are obviously very disturbing and so very difficult to find online, i managed to find parts of the films and stills rather than the entire original.
